PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


24.3 Public access to procurement information

  • Legal and regulatory framework for procurement


  • Information on government procurement plans, bidding opportunities, contract awards, resolution of procurement complaints, and annual procurement statistics
  • As in dimension 24.1, plus procurement data publicly available in official websites


  • Corroborations from civil society organizations/representatives or business associations (e.g



24.4 Procurement complaints management

  • Legal and regulatory framework of the complaint body addressing the requirements per the dimension 24.4


  • Data with number of complaints received and resolved (settled in favor of complainants and procuring entities respectively)


  • Fees charged, if any (refer criterion 2)
  • Procurement complaints body, supreme audit institution, civil society organizations/ representatives or business associations (e.g., chamber of commerce)


  • Internal and external audit reports


  • Meetings with civil society organizations/representatives and private sector




PI-25 Internal controls on non-salary expenditure

25.1 Segregation of duties

  • Prescribed rules, regulations or procedures establishing segregation of duties


  • Evidence that rules are complied with



  • Budget directorate


  • Accounting directorate


  • Treasury


  • Supreme audit institution


  • Internal audit


  • Regulations and guidance on accounting and payment processing

25.2 Effectiveness of expenditure commitment controls

  • Information on commitment controls and associated compliance and assurance arrangements.


  • Error rates or rejection rates in routine financial transactions as reported by government financial controllers and /or internal or external audit bodies.


  • MoF (internal audit)


  • Treasury


  • Accountant general


  • Heads and finance officers of major budgetary units


  • Supreme audit institution