PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


25.3 Compliance with payment rules and procedures

  • Prescribed procedures, regulations or rules establishing the segregation of duties and payment procedures


  • Evidence that procedures are complied with




  • Budget directorate


  • Accounting directorate


  • Treasury


  • Supreme audit institution


  • Internal audit.


  • Regulations and guidance on accounting and payment processing


  • Information system




Pillar VI: Accounting and reporting

PI-26 Internal audit

26.1 Coverage of internal audit

  • Regulations, laws and procedures relating to internal audit Internal audit reports of budgetary and extrabudgetary units





  • MoF (internal audit)


  • Accountant general


  • Heads and finance officers of major budgetary units


  • Supreme audit institution for triangulation of information
26.2 Nature of audits and standards applied
  • Documented rules regulations and procedures on internal audit


  • Evidence of internal audits focused on the evaluation of adequacy and effectiveness


  • Evidence of internal audit standards being applied


  • Quality assurance procedures for internal audit


  • Comparison of actual audit functions and activities with professional standards
  • MoF (internal audit)


  • Accountant general


  • Heads and finance officers of major budgetary units


  • Supreme audit institution for triangulation of information
26.3 Implementation of internal audits and reporting
  • Documentary evidence of an annual internal audit program (e.g. plan) and completed internal audits
  • MoF (internal audit)


  • Accountant general


  • Heads and finance officers of major budgetary units


  • Supreme audit institution for triangulation of information


PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA