PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


15.3 Reporting on fiscal outcomes

  • A report of progress against the fiscal strategy, rules or targets sets out in the annual budget document




  • MoF




PI-16 Medium term perspective in expenditure budgeting

16.1 Medium- term expenditure estimates


  • Medium-term budget estimates for the budget year and the two following fiscal years disaggregated by administrative, economic, and program or functional classification


  • Annual budget estimates

16.2 Medium- term expenditure ceilings

  • Date of approved budget ceilings


  • De ails of the coverage and timeframe for budget ceilings


  • Date of issuing the first budget circular to ministries, departments and agencies.
  • Formal directions or instructions on ceilings to ministries


  • Budget circular

16.3 Alignment of strategic plans and medium term budgets

  • Strategic plans or sector strategies


  • Budget proposals
  • Ministry of finance/ planning (or equivalent entity)


  • Large sector ministries

16.4 Consistency of budgets with previous year’s estimates

  • Budget proposals


  • Explanation of variations between the last medium-term budget and the current medium-term budget
  • MoF


  • Annual budget documents


  • Large sector ministries
PI-17 Budget preparation process

17.1 Budget calendar

  • Budget calendar


  • Number of weeks budgetary units are allotted to complete their detailed estimates


  • Actual dates (timing) of the stages (actions) in the budget preparation process, compared to the original dates in the budget calendar


  • Content of the circulars relating to the preparation of detailed estimates
  • MoF (budget department),corroborated by finance officers of large spending budgetary units

 PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA