PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


17.2 Guidance on budget preparation

  • Budget circular


  • Date of cabinet approval of budget circular compared to the date the MoF issues the budget circular to budgetary units


  • Date of cabinet approval of ceilings when they are not approved with the budget circular


  • Date of MoF transmission of ceilings to budgetary units when they are not approved with the budget circular
  • MoF (budget department), corroborated by the cabinet (e.g., memoranda) and large spending budgetary units







17.3 Budget submission to the legislature


  • Specific dates of submission to the legislature of the annual budget proposals for the last three fiscal years.
  • MoF (budget department), corroborated by the legislatur (budget/finance commission)

PI-18 Legislative scrutiny of budgets

18.1 Scope of budget scrutiny



  • Budget documents reviewed by legislature


  • Details of matters covered by the legislature’s review, such as records of meetings, findings and committee reports
  • Budget director, secretary or chair of budget committee(s) of legislature, corroborated by advocacy, civil society organizations/representatives, and interest groups



18.2 Legislative procedures for budget scrutiny


  • Records of legislative sessions and decisions


  • Content of legislative procedures for reviewing budget proposals


  • How and when the procedures were approved/issued


  • Confirmation that procedures were adhered to, or information on non-adherence


  • Legislature committees, corroborated by advocacy, civil society organizations/ representatives, and interest groups



18.3 Timing of budget approval
  • Date of budget approval by the legislature in each of the last three fiscal years
  • MoF (budget department), corroborated by the legislature (budget/finance commissions)

18.4 Rules for budget adjustment

  • Procedures and rules for in-year budget amendments by the executive


  • Confirmation that procedures were adhered to, or information on non-adherence
  • Legislature committees, corroborated by advocacy, civil society organizations/ representatives, and interest groups


  • Internal and/or external audit reports



Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template