PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


Pillar IV: Policy-based fiscal strategy and budgeting

PI-14 Macroeconomic and fiscal forecasting




  • Forecasts of key macroeconomic indicators to include at least GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, and the exchange rate


  • Clear explanation of assumptions used to prepare forecasts


  • Evidence that the forecasts cover the budget year and the two following fiscal years, and are updated at least annually


  • Evidence of review of forecasts and assumptions by an entity other than preparing entity


  • Information about the authority of the reviewing entity, for example, legal, regulatory or procedural documents


  • Annual budget documents


  • Annual budget circular


  • Policy and analytical advice to government


  • MoF working papers


  • The reviewing entity


  • The unit preparing the initial forecasts




14.2 Fiscal forecasts

  • Medium term fiscal forecasts


  • Underlying assumptions and basis of calculation of fiscal forecasts


  • Evidence that the information is provided as part of budget documentation submitted to the legislature
  • Annual budget documents


  • MoF


  • Records of legislative proceedings

14.3 Macrofiscal sensitivity analysis

  • Evidence of alternative fiscal scenarios in the same format as the medium-term fiscal forecasts
  • MoF
PI-15 Fiscal strategy

15.1 Fiscal impact of policy proposals

  • Policy proposals submitted by ministries during annual budget process;


  • Policy proposals submitted by ministries outside the budget process;


  • Evidence that policy proposals are fully costed and include the recurrent costs of capital investment projects for the budget year and the following two fiscal years
  • MoF

15.2 Fiscal strategy adoption

  • Evidence of a fiscal strategy, either in a stand-alone document, statement of fiscal rules, or specified targets within the annual budget documentation
  • MoF


  • Office of the Prime Minister/President

Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template