PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


26.4 Response to internal audits

  • Documentary evidence of management response to internal audit recommendations and information on timing of the response


  • MoF (internal audit)


  • Accountant general


  • Heads and finance officers of major budgetary units


  • Supreme audit institution for triangulation of information



PI-27 Financial data integrity

27.1 Bank account reconciliation

  • Frequency of reconciliation of Treasury managed bank accounts


  • Number of days from end of reconciled period to date reconciliation is completed for Treasury managed bank accounts


  • Frequency of reconciliation of government bank accounts not managed by Treasury


  • Number of days from end of reconciled period to date reconciliation is completed for government bank accounts not managed by the Treasury
  • Treasury


  • Accountant general


  • Supreme audit institution


  • Central bank



27.2 Suspense accounts

  • Frequency of reconciliation of suspense accounts


  • Number of days from end of reconciled period to date reconciliation is completed for suspense accounts
  • Treasury


  • Accountant general


  • Supreme audit institution


  • Central bank

27.3 Advance accounts

  • Nature of advance accounts


  • Frequency and timeliness of reconciliation clearance of advance accounts


  • Timeliness of clearance of advances


  • Treasury


  • Accountant general


  • Supreme audit institution


  • Central bank

27.4 Financial data integrity processes

  • Documentary evidence of rules, regulations or procedures access to and recording of changes to records


  • Evidence of the existence of a unit in charge of verifying financial data integrity
  • Budget directorate


  • Accounting directorate


  • Treasury


  • Supreme audit institution


  • Internal audit
PI-28 In-year budget reports

28.1 Coverage and comparability of reports

  • Budget execution reports compared with authorized budgets, including transfers and activities of deconcentrated units
  • Accountant general corroborated by Supreme audit institution or internal audit


  • Treasury or MoF



Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template