PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


28.2 Timing of in-year budget reports

  • Frequency of in-year budget execution reports


  • Number of days following end of period that budget report is disseminated within the government


  •   Availability of reports or ability to generate reports
  • Accountant general corroborated by Supreme audit institution or internal audit


  • Treasury or MoF



28.3 Accuracy of in- year budget reports

  • Budget execution reports including details of how reports are compiled


  • Identification of information on payments and commitments in reports


  • Information on revisions and adjustments made after reports have been finalized




  • Accountant general corroborated by Supreme audit institution or internal audit



PI-29 Annual financial reports

29.1 Completeness of annual financial reports

  • Annual financial reports compared with the approved budge


  • Accountant general corroborated by Supreme audit institution


29.2 Submission of reports for external audit
  • Number of days following the end of the fiscal year that the financial report was submitted for external audit during the last year
  • Accountant general corroborated by Supreme audit institution
29.3 Accounting standards
  • Evidence of accounting standards being used and applied; any gaps between the standards and international accounting standards are explained


  • Notes on the financial reports relating to the standards applied
  • Accountant general corroborated by Supreme audit institution.
Pillar VII: External scrutiny and audit
PI-30 External audit
30.1 Audit coverage and standards
  • Percentage of all central government entities, including extrabudgetary units and social security funds (by value of expenditure), that were audited during the period
  • Supreme audit institution, corroborated by the parliamentary public accounts committee and civic interest group

PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA