PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


22.1 Stock of expenditure arrears

  • Level of expenditure arrears (at end of each fiscal year)


  • Total BCG expenditures (for each fiscal year)
  • Treasury


  • Budget directorate


  • Government accounting office


  • Budgetary units


  • Debt management office Chamber of commerce/Industry and other private sector representatives for triangulation

22.2 Expenditure arrears monitoring

  • Information on how expenditure arrears are defined and through what means (legislation, tender documents, contracts, court decisions)


  • Recent data report(s) on expenditure arrears that indicate stock, composition and age profiles


  • Frequency and delay of generating such reports during the past twelve months


  • Treasury


  • Budget directorate


  • Budgetary units


  • Government accounting office


  • Debt management office


PI-23 Payroll controls

23.1 Integration of payroll and personnel records

  • Documentation of payroll changes and corresponding personnel records


  • Documentation of the procedures applied and demonstration of the process for dealing with changes to personnel records and reconciliation of payroll and personnel records


  • Information on the timing of reconciliations
  • Public service commission


  • Personnel management directorate or department.


  • Accountant general


  • Finance officers of budgetary units and agencies


  • Supreme audit institution to triangulate information



23.2 Management of payroll changes


  • Frequency and timing of updating of personnel records and payroll data


  • Information on the number and size of retroactive adjustments


  • Delay in the number of days from change in personnel status to personnel records and payroll data are updated


  • Public service commission


  • Personnel management directorate or department


  • Accountant general


  • Finance officers of budgetary units and agencies


  • Supreme audit institution to triangulate information


  • Staff union to triangulate information

Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template