PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


20.2 Transfer of revenue collections

  • Information on the approach(es) to transferring revenue collections to the Treasury and other designated agencies


  • The promptness of transfers to the Treasury or other designated agencies
  • Entities/revenue authorities collecting CG revenue, the Treasury or other designated revenue recipients, and the central bank

20.3 Revenue accounts reconciliation

  • Comprehensiveness, frequency, and timeliness of reconciliation undertaken by each major revenue-collection entity. It relates to aggregate amounts of assessments/charges, collections, arrears, and transfers to (and receipts by) the Treasury or other designated agencies
  • Entities/revenue authorities collecting CG revenue


  • Treasury or other designated revenue recipients


  • Central bank
PI-21 Predictability of in-year resource allocation

21.1 Consolidation of cash balances

  • Number of bank accounts managed by the Treasury and other budgetary units and their balance.


  • Number of accounts included in the TSA for which balances are calculated and consolidated by the Treasury


  • Frequency of the consolidation of bank account balances
  • Treasury


  • Budgetary units


  • Central bank

21.2 Cash forecasting and monitoring

  • Evidence of the preparation of cash flow forecasts by a central entity and frequency of updates
  • MoF and/or Treasury


  • Budgetary units

21.3 Information on commitment ceilings

  • Evidence of the existence, and frequency of issue, of commitment ceilings for budgetary units


  • Treasury


  • Budgetary units

21.4 Significance of in- year budget adjustments

  • Requests and approvals of significant budget adjustments (e.g. supplementary estimates and virements between budget entities)


  • Timing and communication on adjustments from central units to other budgetary units


  • Fiscal impact of budget adjustments
  • MoF


  • Budgetary units
PI-22 Expenditure arrears


PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA