PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources

PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator

Data required Data sources

Data Provided


19.2 Revenue risk management

  • Information on the procedures and approach used by entities collecting central government revenues to assess and prioritize compliance risks; and whether it covers (i) all categories of revenue; (ii) key payer segments (at a minimum, medium and large revenue payers); and (iii) payers’ four main obligations


  • Documented risk management approach used by revenue authorities to assess and prioritize compliance risks


  • A register of identified compliance risks for each payer segment (and for large- and medium-sized payers at a minimum)


  • (The best information sources are the entities collecting most or the majority of central government revenue.)







19.3 Revenue audit and investigation

  • The existence of a compliance improvement plan for each revenue-collecting authority or major revenue measure


  • Data on the extent to which audit and fraud investigations are managed and reported on according to a documented compliance improvement plan


  • The completion rate of audit and fraud investigations (i.e., a comparison of those planned and those conducted)


  • Documented compliance improvement plan


  • Status reports on progress in the implementation of planned risk-mitigation activities and audit and fraud investigations


  • (The best information sources are the entities collecting most or the majority of central government revenue.)

19.4. Revenue arrears monitoring


  • The stock of revenue arrears at the end of the last completed fiscal year.


  • The total revenue collection for the same year.


  • The revenue arrears older than 12 months at the end of the last completed fiscal year


  • Revenue collection authority records such as a documented report on (i) the stock of revenue arrears; and (ii) revenue arrears older than 12 months


PI-20 Accounting for revenue

20.1 Information on revenue collections

  • Evidence that information is received on all revenue by a central agency, through systems or separate reports


  • Reports on revenue are organized by the central agency that receives information from collecting entities
  • Entities/revenue authorities collecting CG revenue


  • Treasury or other designated revenue recipients


  • Central bank



Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template