PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources
PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator


Data required              


Data sources


Data Provided (Y/N)

11.4 Investment project monitoring
  • List of approved/ongoing investment projects with relevant data to identify them as ‘major’ as per PEFA criteria
  • A comparison of projections with data on the actual execution of major investment projects at different stages (time, amount spent, physical progress, etc.), published in budget documentation or elsewhere
  •  Evidence of the existence of, and compliance with, implementation procedures in the form or audit findings or quality assurance reports
  • Ministry of finance/planning
  •  Line ministries and agencies
  • Agency in charge of public investments, if any
  •  Guidelines on monitoring public investments
  •  Databases
  •  Project monitoring reports
PI-12 Public asset management
12.1 Financial asset monitoring
  •  Value of financial assets under each class and information on the method(s) of valuation used
  •  Published document or set of documents covering the performance of the portfolio of financial assets and information on the frequency of publication
  •  Consolidated financial statements, including notes relating to the holdings of financial assets.
  •  Asset management agency, if any.
  •  Budget and extrabudgetary units holding financial assets
  •  MoF, Treasury
  •  Internal audit units
  •  Supreme audit institution
12.2 Nonfinancial asset monitoring
  •  Register(s) of fixed assets, land and (where relevant) subsoil assets, possibly with information on their usage and age
  • Published document or set of documents related to one or more nonfinancial asset categories above mentioned
  •  Asset management agency, if any
  •  Budget and extrabudgetary units holding nonfinancial assets
  •  MoF
  •  Treasury
  •  Internal audit units
  • SAI

Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template