PEFA Assessment: Data required and sources
PEFA 2016 Performance Indicator


Data required              


Data sources



Data Provided (Y/N)
PI-11 Public investment management
11.1 Economic analysis of investment proposals
  •  List of approved/ongoing investment projects with relevant data to identify them as ‘major’ as per PEFA criteria;
  • National guidelines to conduct economic analysis
  •  Economic analysis documentation of approved/ongoing major investment projects
  • Documentation of the economic analyses review process by an agency other than the sponsoring agency
  • Documented publication of economic analyses results
  • Ministry of finance/planning
  •  Line ministries and agencies
  •  Agency in charge of public investments, if any
  • National guidelines to conduct economic analysis
  • Economic analysis of investment projects
  • Supreme Audit Institution
  •  Development partners when there are major investment projects financed by external funds
11.2 Investment project selection
  •  List of approved/ongoing investment projects with relevant data to identify them as ‘major’ as per PEFA criteria.
  • Documentation of government’s central review of major investment projects before inclusion of projects in the budget
  •  Documentation on publication and adherence to standard criteria for project selection
  •  Details of standard criteria for project selection
  • Ministry of finance/planning
  •  Line ministries and agencies
  • Agency in charge of public investments, if any
  •  Supreme Audit Institution
  •  Development partners when there is major investment projects financed by external funds
11.3 Investment project costing
  • List of approved/ongoing investment projects with relevant data to identify them as ‘major’ as per PEFA criteria
  • Budget projections for investment projects, supported by a cash flow forecast, financing plan, and maintenance costs over the full life of the investment
  •  Medium-term budget data on project implementation (recurrent costs, maintenance costs)
  • Ministry of finance/planning
  • Line ministries and agencies
  •  Agency in charge of public investments, if any
  • Legislation on public investment
  •  Annual budget documentation
  •  Medium-term expenditure framework, if available • Supreme Audit Institution • Development partners when there are major investment projects financed by external funds

PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA