Specify the budget and funding arrangements. Information will include the number of assessors; person-days; and costs of travel and related expenses, translation and interpretation, and printing and copying, etc. Expenses may be separated by source of funds or participating entity.

Complete table 5 with detailed information on the estimated resources by category. If the terms of reference are being prepared as the basis of a request for proposal (RFP) for contract assessors, this table may be circulated to appropriate stakeholders as a separate document.

For SNG, if information is available, provide a breakdown of the budget among the SNGs that are assessed and the cross-cutting tasks.

Table 5. Resources required for PEFA assessment

Budget item Resources required
Assessment team
Consultant fees (#consultants x #days)
Staff costs (#staff x #days)
Travel costs (#days, #trips)
Accommodation (#days)
Per diem (#days)
Training facilities hire (#days)
Catering (people x unit price)
Other incidental costs (translation, photocopying etc.)
                                                                                               Total $

5. Approach and methodology
(Recommended length: no more than 1,000 words, plus table.)

Under the subheadings below, summarize how the assessment will be performed, including the methodology to be applied, main references and sources of information, deliverables and time frame, report structure, quality assurance arrangements, and consultation, reporting and next steps.



State that the assessment will apply the PEFA 2016 methodology. Briefly describe whether all indicators and dimensions of PEFA 2016 are to be used, and if not, explain why.

For example, an indicator may not be relevant where there are no intergovernmental transfers. If the indicator is not used because it would duplicate related work using other diagnostic tools, this section should explain how the findings from other work will be reflected in the PEFA analysis and report. This section should also indicate when additional indicators are used, such as HLG-1 for transfers to subnational government, or drill-down or add-on indicators (complementing the information on purpose, scope and coverage in section 3).

Annex 1.3. Guidance on the preparation of a PEFA Assessment Concept Note or Terms of Reference