Other Guidance

How to use the data available from PEFA assessments to make meaningful comparisons of scores over time within countries and cross-country…

This study seeks to answer the question; Why do public sector reform efforts so often fail to meet expectations of stakeholders? The authors tests…


This study, available in French language only, considers how the six principal directives of the WAEMU PFM system compare to the PEFA framework.…


This study provides an analysis of the specific impact of the PEFA Framework on governments and development partners, in terms of the framework’s…


This report reviewed 67 applications of PEFA in 60 countries that were received by the PEFA Secretariat up to the end of March 2007. The lessons…


The study review changes in PFM system performance in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) from 2001 to 2006 using data from the original HIPC…