Steps Key Tasks Main Issues Responsibility  Indicative Timeline PEFA Secretariat Support
    5.2 Data analysis and initial scoring of indicators

As data is collected assessors begin the process of analyzing data and, based on this evidence, scoring of indicators and dimensions

It is also important to validate, and cross-reference information received

    PEFA Handbook Volume II – The PEFA Assessment Fieldguide includes additional definitions, interpretation and measurement guidance
  5.3 Field mission exit presentation: initial findings and data gaps

Sometimes the assessment team makes a presentation to the oversight team and senior government officials and development partners at the conclusion of the field work to:

• Present initial scores and findings

• Identify any outstanding data requirements

Assessment team, oversight team, Senior government officials   PEFA Handbook Volume I: PEFA Assessment Process includes draft outline of a PEFA field work exit presentation.


6 Draft assessment report preparation 6.1 Prepare initial draft PEFA report

Following the field work, the assessment team commences preparation of the draft PEFA report and scores for dimensions and indicators, including the narrative content contained in Chapters 3 and 4

Assessment team F+2

PEFA Handbook Volume III: Preparing the PEFA Report sets out the detailed structure of the PEFA report, guidelines and report template.


The data analysis is combined into a draft report, using the prescribed PEFA format outlined in the PEFA 2016 Framework document and the PEFA Handbook. More detailed analysis of the implications of results for pillars, high level outcomes and internal control elements usually takes place after basic scoring and narrative explanations are well advanced


PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA