Attachment 1

Data requirements by entity/dimension- the table below is not intended to be prescriptive as administrative arrangements vary from country to country. It is recommended to use it along with the table of data required and source by indicator.

PEFA Assessment: data required by entity and indicator/dimensions
Entity Indicators/dimensions

Ministry of Finance (MOF)or similar entity and its departments of:

•Budget Tax Customs Treasury

•Accounting and reporting Public Corporations Monitoring Local Governments monitoring Internal audit

•State patrimony Procurement

•Debt management IFMIS


In some countries, some of these

departments may be a separated

agency from the MOF e.g.

procurement, etc

PI-1 - Aggregate expenditure out-turn

PI-2 - Expenditure composition outturn by function, Expenditure

composition outturn by economic type, Expenditure from contingency


PI-3 - Aggregate revenue outturn
PI-4 - Budget classification
PI-5 – Budget documentation

PI-6 - Expenditure outside financial reports, Revenue outside financial

reports, Financial reports of extrabudgetary units


PI-7 - System for allocating transfers, Timeliness of information on



PI-8 - Performance plans for service delivery, Performance achieved for

service delivery, Resources received by service delivery units, Performance

evaluation for service delivery

  PI-9 - Public access to fiscal information

PI-10 - Monitoring of public corporations, Monitoring of subnational

governments, Contingent liabilities and other fiscal risks


PI-11 - Economic analysis of investment proposals, Investment project

selection, Investment project costing, Investment project monitoring


PI-12 - Financial asset monitoring, Nonfinancial asset monitoring,

Transparency of asset disposal


PI-13 - Recording and reporting of debt and guarantees, Approval of debt

and guarantees, Debt management strategy


PI-14 - Macroeconomic forecasts, Fiscal forecasts, Macro-fiscal sensitivity



PI-15 – Fiscal impact of policy proposals, Fiscal strategy adoption,

Reporting on fiscal outcomes


PI-16 - Medium-term expenditure estimates, Medium-term expenditure

ceilings, Alignment of strategic plans and medium-term budgets,

Consistency of budgets with previous year’s estimates


PI-17 - Budget calendar, Guidance on budget preparation, Budget

submission to the legislature


PI-18 - Scope of budget scrutiny, Timing of budget approval, Rules for

budget adjustment by the executive

  PI-19 – see Revenues authorities




Annex 1.4. Initial data request letter and data template