Dimension 12.2 assesses the features of nonfinancial asset monitoring for BCG. Reporting on nonfinancial assets should identify the assets and their use. Maintaining a register of fixed assets is a basic requirement; up-to-date registers allow government to better utilize assets such as infrastructure and to plan investment programs and maintenance. Registers of subsoil assets are only required if the assets owned by BCG are significant relative to total BCG assets. If there are significant nonfinancial assets held by public corporations, this should be reported in the narrative for this dimension. The dimension does not require valuation for nonfinancial assets.

Dimension 12.3 assesses whether the procedures for transfer and disposal of assets are established through legislation, regulation, or approved procedures. It examines whether information is provided to the legislature or the public on transfers and disposals. Transfer of assets includes transfer of usage rights where ownership is retained by the government.


Definitions of the terms relating to assets that are used in this indicator are based on the GFS Manual 2014.