PI-8. Performance information for service delivery

This indicator examines the service delivery performance information in the executive’s budget proposal or its supporting documentation and in year-end reports. It determines whether performance audits or evaluations are carried out. It also assesses the extent to which information on resources received by service delivery units is collected and recorded. It contains four dimensions and uses the M2 (AV) method for aggregating dimension scores.

Dimensions and scoring
Score Minimum requirements for scores
8.1. Performance plans for service delivery
A Information is published annually on policy or program objectives, key performance indicators, outputs to be produced, and the outcomes planned for most ministries, disaggregated by program or function.
B Information is published annually on policy or program objectives, key performance indicators, and outputs to be produced or the outcomes planned for most ministries.
C Information is published annually on the activities to be performed under the policies or programs for the majority of ministries or a framework of performance indicators relating to the outputs or outcomes of the majority of ministries is in place.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
8.2. Performance achieved for service delivery
A Information is published annually on the quantity of outputs produced and outcomes achieved for most ministries disaggregated by program or function.
B Information is published annually on the quantity of outputs produced or the outcomes achieved for most ministries.
C Information is published annually on the activities performed for the majority of ministries.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
8.3. Resources received by service delivery units
A Information on resources received by frontline service delivery units is collected and recorded for at least two large ministries, disaggregated by source of funds. A report compiling the information is prepared at least annually.
B Information on resources received by frontline service delivery units is collected and recorded for at least one large ministry. A report compiling the information is prepared at least annually.
C A survey carried out in one of the last three years provides estimates of the resources received by service delivery units for at least one large ministry.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
8.4. Performance evaluation for service delivery
A Independent evaluations of the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery have been carried out and published for most ministries at least once within the last three years.
B Evaluations of the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery have been carried out and published for the majority of ministries at least once within the last three years.
C Evaluations of the efficiency or effectiveness of service delivery have been carried out for some ministries at least once within the last three years.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.