PI-6. Central government operations outside financial reports

This indicator measures the extent to which government revenue and expenditure are reported outside central government financial reports. It contains three dimensions and uses the M2 (AV) method for aggregating dimension scores.

Dimensions and scoring
Score Minimum requirements for scores
6.1. Expenditure outside financial reports
A Expenditure outside government financial reports is less than 1% of total BCG expenditure.
B Expenditure outside government financial reports is less than 5% of total BCG expenditure.
C Expenditure outside government financial reports is less than 10% of total BCG expenditure.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
6.2. Revenue outside financial reports
A Revenue outside government financial reports is less than 1% of total BCG revenue.
B Revenue outside government financial reports is less than 5% of total BCG revenue.
C Revenue outside government financial reports is less than 10% of total BCG revenue.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
6.3. Financial reports of extrabudgetary units
A Detailed financial reports of all extrabudgetary units are submitted to government annually within three months of the end of the fiscal year.
B Detailed financial reports of most extrabudgetary units are submitted to government annually within six months of the end of the fiscal year.
C Detailed financial reports of the majority of extrabudgetary units are submitted to government annually within nine months of the end of the fiscal year.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.


Central government (CG).

Time period

Last completed fiscal year.

Measurement guidance

Ex-post financial reports available to the government should cover all budgetary and extrabudgetary activities of central government to allow a complete picture of revenue and expenditures across every category. This will be the case if expenditure and revenue of extrabudgetary units and expenditure and revenue related to extrabudgetary activities of budgetary units are insignificant or if such revenues and expenditures are included in central government ex-post financial reports.

Dimension 6.1 assesses the magnitude of expenditures incurred by budgetary and extrabudgetary units (including social security funds) that are not reported in the government’s financial reports. Such expenditures may include expenditures from fees and charges collected and retained by budgetary and extrabudgetary units outside of the approved budget as well as expenditures on externally funded projects and activities where these are not reported in central government financial reports.