PI-20. Accounting for revenue

This indicator assesses procedures for recording and reporting revenue collections, consolidating revenues collected, and reconciling tax revenue accounts. It covers both tax and nontax revenues collected by the central government. This indicator contains three dimensions and uses M1 (WL) for aggregating dimension scores.

Dimensions and scoring
Score Minimum requirements for scores
20.1. Information on revenue collections
A A central agency obtains revenue data at least monthly from entities collecting all central government revenue. This information is broken down by revenue type and is consolidated into a report.
B A central agency obtains revenue data at least monthly from entities collecting most central government revenue. This information is broken down by revenue type and is consolidated into a report.
C A central agency obtains revenue data at least monthly from entities collecting the majority of central government revenue and consolidates the data.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
20.2. Transfer of revenue collections
A Entities collecting most central government revenue transfer the collections directly into accounts controlled by the Treasury, or transfer the collections daily to the Treasury and other designated agencies.
B Entities collecting most central government revenue transfer the collections to the Treasury and other designated agencies at least weekly.
C Entities collecting most central government revenue transfer the collections to the Treasury and other designated agencies at least every two weeks.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
20.3. Revenue accounts reconciliation
A Entities collecting most central government revenue undertake complete reconciliation of assessments, collections, arrears, and transfers to Treasury and other designated agencies at least quarterly within four weeks of the end of quarter.
B Entities collecting most central government revenue undertake complete reconciliation of assessments, collections, arrears, and transfers to Treasury and other designated agencies at least half-yearly within eight weeks of the end of the half-year.
C Entities collecting most central government revenue undertake complete reconciliation of collections and transfers to Treasury and other designated agencies at least annually within 2 months of the end of the year.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.


Time period

At time of assessment.