Dimension 24.3 reviews the level of public access to complete, reliable and timely procurement information. Public dissemination of information on procurement processes and their outcomes are also key elements of transparency. In order to generate timely and reliable data, a good information system will capture data on procurement transactions and will be secure. Information should be accessible without restriction, without requirement to register, and free of charge. Public access to procurement information is defined as posting on official websites unless otherwise specifically justified in relation to country circumstances.

Dimension 24.4 assesses the existence and effectiveness of an independent, administrative complaint resolution mechanism. A good procurement system offers stakeholders access to such a mechanism as part of the control system, usually in addition to the general court system. To be effective, submission and resolution of complaints must be processed in a fair, transparent, independent, and timely manner. The timely resolution of complaints is necessary to allow contract awards to be effectively reversed where required. It sets limits on remedies tied to profit/loss and costs associated with bid or proposal preparation after contract signatures. A good process also includes the ability to refer the resolution of the complaints to an external higher authority for appeal. The narrative discussion of this indicator should include the evidence required for rating the dimension and a discussion of qualitative aspects of the performance of the system, such as the independence of the complaints mechanism and the protection afforded to complainants.