Previous fiscal year (T-1) Last fiscal year completed.
Program See “program classification”.
Program classification Classification that implies the allocation of resources to each of the programs. If a program allocation is used for approved budgets, the program-based categories should be scored based on the same level at which they were approved by the legislature.
Public access

When a document is available without restriction, within a reasonable time, without a requirement to register, and free of charge, unless otherwise justified in relation to specific country circumstances. Justification provided by government for limits on access, where applicable, should be noted in the report.

Alternative wording: ‘made available to the public’, ‘publicly reported’ and ‘publicized’.

Public investment For the purpose of PI-11, creation and/or acquisition of fixed assets.
Publication When a document has been made available to the public either in print or in readable form on a publicly accessible website. Publication also involves an expectation that users are made aware of the document’s availability and how they can access it.
Publicized See “public access”.
Publicly available or reported See “public access”.
Published When a document has been made available to the public either in print or in readable form on a publicly accessible website.
Reconciliation of accounts (bank, suspense and advance accounts) Identification of all mismatches and their amount (and their nature) between the government’s records of the accounting data held on its books and the government’s bank account data held by banks. The subsequent clearance could be a long process, which falls outside the scope of the time benchmarks indicated under this dimension in the Framework Document. Reconciliations are required on active accounts only, provided that the inactive accounts were reconciled while they were still active.
Reconciliation of bank accounts at aggregate level The aggregate cash position of the government across all its accounts is reconciled with the central bank’s corresponding records.
Reconciliation of debt records Ensuring that the same amounts are recorded in the government’s debt records and the credit institutions’ records, irrespective of whether this is done by the Central Bank, the MOF, or any other government institution which maintains the government debt records.
Redress Compensation for wrongful treatment and may include acknowledgement, apology, financial compensation, reinstatement of status, and/or correction of errors.


PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA