PI-12. Public asset management

This indicator assesses the management and monitoring of government assets and the transparency of asset disposal. It contains three dimensions and uses the M2 (AV) method for aggregating dimension scores.

Dimensions and scoring
Score Minimum requirements for scores
12.1. Financial asset monitoring
A The government maintains a record of its holdings in all categories of financial assets, which are recognized at fair or market value, in line with international accounting standards. Information on the performance of the portfolio of financial assets is published annually.
B The government maintains a record of its holdings in major categories of financial assets, which are recognized at their acquisition cost or fair value. Information on the performance of the major categories of financial assets is published annually.
C The government maintains a record of its holdings in major categories of financial assets.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
12.2. Nonfinancial asset monitoring
A The government maintains a register of its holdings of fixed assets, land, and (where relevant) subsoil assets, including information on their usage and age, which is published at least annually.
B The government maintains a register of its holdings of fixed assets, including information on their usage and age, which is published. A register of land, and (where relevant) subsoil assets is also maintained.
C The government maintains a register of its holdings of fixed assets, and collects partial information on their usage and age.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
12.3. Transparency of asset disposal
A Procedures and rules for the transfer or disposal of financial and nonfinancial assets are established, including information to be submitted to the legislature for information or approval. Information on transfers and disposal is included in budget documents, financial reports, or other reports.
B Procedures and rules for the transfer or disposal of nonfinancial assets are established. Information on transfers and disposals is included in budget documents, financial reports, or other reports.
C Procedures and rules for the transfer or disposal of nonfinancial assets are established. Partial information on transfers and disposals is included in budget documents, financial reports, or other reports.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.

Dimension 12.1: CG.

Dimension 12.2: BCG.

Dimension 12.3: CG for financial assets and BCG for nonfinancial assets.

Time period

Last completed fiscal year.