PI-11. Public investment management

This indicator assesses the economic appraisal, selection, costing, and monitoring of public investment projects by the government, and publishing of progress information, with emphasis on the largest and most significant projects. It contains four dimensions and uses the M2 (AV) method for aggregating dimension scores.

Dimensions and scoring
Score Minimum requirements for scores
11.1. Economic analysis of investment proposals
A Economic analyses are conducted, as established in national guidelines, to assess all major investment projects and the results are published. The analyses are reviewed by an entity other than the sponsoring entity.
B Economic analyses are conducted, as established in national guidelines, to assess most major investment projects, and some results are published. The analyses are reviewed by an entity other than the sponsoring entity.
C Economic analyses are conducted to assess some major investment projects.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
11.2. Investment project selection
A Prior to their inclusion in the budget, all major investment projects are prioritized by a central entity on the basis of published standard criteria for project selection.
B Prior to their inclusion in the budget, most major investment projects are prioritized by a central entity on the basis of standard criteria for project selection.
C Prior to their inclusion in the budget, some of the major investment projects are prioritized by a central entity.
D Performance is less than required for a C score
11.3. Investment project costing
A Projections of the total life-cycle cost of major investment projects, including both capital and recurrent costs together with a year-by-year breakdown of the costs for at least the next three years, are included in the budget documents.
B Projections of the total capital cost of major investment projects, together with a year-by-year breakdown of the capital costs and estimates of the recurrent costs for the next three years, are included in the budget documents.
C Projections of the total capital cost of major investment projects, together with the capital costs for the forthcoming budget year, are included in the budget documents.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.
11.4. Investment project monitoring
A The total cost and physical progress of major investment projects are monitored during implementation by the implementing government unit. There is a high level of compliance with the standard procedures and rules for project implementation that have been put in place. Information on the implementation of major investment projects is published in the budget documents or in other reports annually.
B The total cost and physical progress of major investment projects are monitored by the implementing government unit. Standard procedures and rules for project implementation are in place, and information on implementation of major investment projects is published annually.
C The total cost and physical progress of major investment projects are monitored by the implementing government unit. Information on implementation of major investment projects is prepared annually.
D Performance is less than required for a C score.