Supplementary Framework for Assessing Gender
Responsive Public Financial Management

The PEFA supplementary framework for assessing gender responsive public financial management (GRPFM) is a set of nine indicators that measure the degree to which a country’s PFM systems address the government’s goals with regard to acknowledging different needs of men and women, and different subgroups of these categories, and promoting gender equality. The framework can be applied at both national and subnational levels. It is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Click on the indicators below to learn more about what each of them measures.



Gender Impact Analysis of Budget Policy Proposals

This indicator assesses the extent to which the government prepares an assessment of the gender impacts of proposed changes in government expenditure and revenue policy. It contains two dimensions (sub-indicators) and uses the M1 (weakest link) method for aggregating dimension scores.



Gender Responsive Public Investment Management

This indicator assesses the extent to which robust appraisal methods, based on economic analysis, of feasibility or prefeasibility studies for major investment projects include analysis of the impacts on gender. There is one dimension for this indicator



Gender Responsive Budget Circular

This indicator measures the extent to which the government’s budget circular(s) is gender responsive. There is one dimension for this indicator.



Gender Responsive Budget Proposal Documentation

This indicator assesses the extent to which the government’s budget proposal documentation includes additional information on gender priorities and budget measures aimed at strengthening gender equality. There is one dimension for this indicator.



Sex-Disaggregated Performance Information for Service Delivery

This indicator measures the extent to which the executive’s budget proposal or supporting documentation and in-year or end-year reports include sex-disaggregated information on performance for service delivery programs. It contains two dimensions (subindicators) and uses the M2 (averaging) method for aggregating dimension scores.



Tracking Budget Expenditure for Gender Equality

This indicator measures the government’s capacity to track expenditure for gender equality throughout the budget formulation, execution, and reporting processes. There is one dimension for this indicator.



Gender Responsive Reporting

This indicator measures the extent to which the government prepares and publishes annual reports that include information on gender-related expenditure and the impact of budget policies on gender equality. There is one dimension for this indicator.



Evaluation of Gender Impacts of Service Delivery

This indicator measures the extent to which independent evaluations of the efficiency and effectiveness of public services include an assessment of gender impacts. There is one dimension for this indicator. 



Legislative Scrutiny of Gender Impacts of the Budget

This indicator measures the extent to which the legislature’s budget and audit scrutiny include a review of the government’s policies to understand whether policies equally benefit men and women by ensuring the allocation of sufficient funds. It contains two dimensions (subindicators) and uses the M2 (averaging) method for aggregating dimension scores.


PEFA GRPFM Framework and Guidance for Assessment Teams

PEFA GRPFM Framework and Guidance for Assessment Teams

The guidance introduces the framework and provides information on the definition and objectives of GRPFM. It presents detailed measurement guidance for a set of key indicator to assess a country’s performance in applying gender considerations to its PFM. 





PEFA GRPFM in Brief: What You Need to Know

PEFA GRPFM in Brief: What You Need to Know

This brochure provides a summary of key characteristics of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) supplementary framework for assessing gender responsive public financial management (GRPFM)





PEFA GRPFM Assessments

PEFA GRPFM Assessments

This is the PEFA assessment portal where you can find a list of countries that have applied the gender responsive public financial management framework and the assessment results. 

To search for PEFA GRPFM assessments, click on the link below, navigate to the filter on the right-hand side of the page, select Framework, and click on 'Gender Framework' to view assessment results.

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PEFA GRPFM Templates

PEFA GRPFM Templates

These are the templates required to prepare, implement, and report on PEFA gender responsive public financial management assessment findings.


GRPFM Case Studies and Publications

GRPFM Case Studies

The PEFA Secretariat is collecting case studies showcasing country experience in integrating gender considerations in budget policies.

GRPFM Stories

GRPFM Stories

Read countries stories on the application of the PEFA GRPFM framework and their plans to further strengthen gender responsiveness of PFM.

Useful Resources on Gender Responsive Public Financial Management

European Commission

European Commission

The European Commission (EC) is an institution of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. Commissioners swear an oath at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg City, pledging to respect the treaties and to be completely independent in carrying out their duties during their mandate.


International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., consisting of "189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.

World Bank Group

World Bank Group

The World Bank (French: Banque mondiale) is an international financial institution that provides loans to countries of the world for capital projects. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA).

France Diplomatie

France Diplomatie

France is represented by two institutions: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the ministry in the government of France that handles France’s foreign relations (WEBSITE) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) which implements France’s policy in the areas of development and international solidarity.

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norwegian (Bokmål): Det kongelige Utenriksdepartement; Norwegian (Nynorsk): Det kongelege Utanriksdepartement) is the foreign ministry of the Kingdom of Norway.



SECO is the federal government’s centre of excellence for all core issues relating to economic and labour market policy. It is our aim to contribute to sustained economic growth, high employment and fair working conditions, by creating the necessary regulatory, economic and foreign policy framework.

Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

The main effort of the Ministry management is to ensure harmony of public administration receipts and expenditures with macroeconomic and strategic objectives of Government policies, monitoring their efficient use, the fiscal consolidation and long-term sustainability of public finance within the eurozone, compliance with the rules of public funds spending, efficient implementation of EU financial instruments and other forms of foreign assistance while complying with the principles of good financial governance, reducing the tax burden for low- and medium-income groups, reducing tax and customs evasion, and suppressing grey economy. 

Ministry of Finance Luxembourg

Ministry of Finance of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

The Ministry of Finance of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg prepares and implements the budgetary, financial and fiscal policy of the State. In this capacity, the Ministry is also responsible for the public finances and the preparation of the budget. In addition, it defines the policy with regard to the financial sector, and is responsible for external relations with the various international financial institutions.